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  • Why TWIPLA Grows Website Traffic Data Capture by up to 500%

Why TWIPLA Grows Website Traffic Data Capture by up to 500%

Simon Coulthard September 14, 2023

9-minute read

Analytics platforms can only report on the website traffic data they collect. 

But as knowledge in the website data analytics sector grows, so too does data capture capability.

TWIPLA is a leading player in the emerging privacy-first sector with 2.5 million active installs to date, and our cookieless tracking technology enables the website intelligence solution to collect substantially more data than competitors.

So much so in fact, that the Technical University of Munich is collecting five times more traffic data than previously. That amounts to data on 4.5 million monthly visitors, and means that TUM has access to better analytics that will translate into better digital optimization efforts.

This blog will explain why this is possible. In it, you’ll learn about how much more existing visitor data you can collect with TWIPLA as well as what this means for your digital optimization efforts.

Let’s dive in!

Website analytics - TWIPLA

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Our advanced website intelligence solution will enable anyone to grow their website quickly - all while staying data privacy compliant!


Website Traffic Data Capture Limitations in Earlier Analytics Models

At present, the analytics platforms available to website owners don’t all have the same data capture capabilities.

Technological infrastructure varies significantly, and TWIPLA has little in common with its website analytics forefathers.

In fact, the analytics market remains saturated with somewhat archaic platforms that have been clunkily retrofitted to keep pace with advancing web technologies and data privacy requirements

Simply put, standard analytics platforms use cookies to track website visitors and also to analyze their behavior. But cookies are moreover invasive, and internet users need to give their consent to be included in website data analytics. 

Analytics Cookie Consent Restrictions

In Europe, data privacy legislation and analytics cookie compliance demands two layers of user consent. With GDPR, consent is limited to practices related to personal data stored on user devices. But the scope of the ePrivacy Directive - and the EU member state laws it spawned - extends to device data retrieval.

Many policymakers are even using the EU’s data privacy framework as a model for their own laws. This appears sensible, but also points to a global standardization of consent requirements in line with the European model.

In practice, this means that businesses need to welcome website visitors with a cookie consent banner. This needs to be tailored to cover exactly what data is collected, how it is managed, and also where it is stored. And crucially for analytics, this also needs to cover the data practices of any third-party website software.

Panoramic Data Visibility Blocked by Internet Users

There is an argument that cookie consent banners don’t even give internet users more control over their data. Most don’t really know what cookies are in the first place, and moreover don't know what they're agreeing to. Many experts also see these consent forms as a way for businesses to manipulate internet users in some way.

But regardless, many internet users reject cookies regularly. In Western Europe, 54% of internet users are highly selective about which websites to collect cookies from (Statista). In the US, only 32% robotically accept all non-essential cookies (Statista). And in Chile, 95% of residents reject them when given a clear and transparent choice (Deloitte).

Cookies Reduce Analytics Website Traffic Data Capture

Clearly, the numbers do vary from study to study, but the result is the same - a large amount of traffic data is effectively cloaked from website data analytics platforms that rely on cookies. The result? Cookie consent banners are a real barrier to the high-volume website data capture that is essential to effectively analyze website traffic and pull reliable insights.

And since these platforms cannot collect anywhere near the full website traffic dataset, the insights they provide are created predictively by fluffing out small data samples. In short, website owners cannot fully trust the information they provide.

This is a shame, and particularly so given how pivotal analytics has become to the success of digital marketing. But less data means lower insight accuracy, and a website that is less able to achieve wider business objectives.

Website analytics - TWIPLA

Unlock Your Website's Full Potential

Our advanced website intelligence solution will enable anyone to grow their website quickly - all while staying data privacy compliant!


Data Capture Supercharged by Privacy-First TWIPLA Technology

But we live in a potent civilization and innovation in the website data analytics sector can be measured in one sense by how much website traffic data TWIPLA is able to collect. In fact, the Technical University of Munich (TUM) has seen a 500% increase in data capture since switching from an alternative that wouldn’t make much legal sense to name here.

That’s a pretty big deal as far as insight accuracy is concerned. 

And looking at their website traffic data in SEMrush, it means that TUM’s webmaster was relying on predictions about the actions and behavior of nearly 4.5 million monthly website visitors. Thanks to TWIPLA, they are now able to directly analyze these previously invisible visitors. 

Crucially, TUM was also able to achieve this 500% increase in website traffic data visibility despite using TWIPLA’s Maximum Data Privacy mode. This calibration of the Privacy Center meant that the university’s webmaster was able to leverage analytics legitimately under all global data privacy requirements without needing a cookie banner.

Increase Your Website Traffic Data Capture with TWIPLA

In our partnership with TUM, the university was surprised by just how much more data they had at their disposal than in the past. This data did previously exist, but was invisible to them because these website visitors had opted out of accepting analytics cookies.

And since your website data analytics platform could also be suffering from similar limitations, this is a good moment to try out TWIPLA and better capitalize on the data at your fingertips.

TWIPLA is an advanced all-in-one website intelligence solution that offers the full range of tools that businesses now need to effectively optimize their digital activities in 2023.

This includes the standard website statistical analysis that website owners have come to expect from alternatives like Google Analytics. However, we go further by also offering visitor behavior analytics tools like heatmaps, session recordings, and custom event tracking, as well as visitor communication features.

All-in-one website intelligence is a real leap forward for analytics. It reduces the number of website integrations you need, reduces data siloing, and increases the potency of the data you have at your fingertips. 

And with web technologies becoming ever more advanced, TWIPLA enables you to stay ahead of the curve and gather actionable insights from every angle imaginable.

So sign up today for free and start working from website intelligence reports.


Why Does TWIPLA Collect More Data than Other Analytics Platforms?

TWIPLA uses an advanced cookieless tracking system that prevents website visitors from cloaking their data by rejecting cookie consent. In practice, we’ve seen many of our users - including TUM - increase their data capture by 500% as a result of this.

Why is Website Traffic Data Capture Important in Analytics?

Analytics platforms base their insights on the collective data of website visitors. Insight accuracy and data volume go hand in hand, with more data capture also leading to more accurate reports, and better guidance for website growth.

Is TWIPLA Data Privacy Compliant?

TWIPLA can be calibrated to the balance you want between data capture and privacy. However, it is compliant straight out of the box with every data privacy law in the world. It doesn’t use cookies and also anonymizes user data to the extent that they can’t be identified, enabling you to analyze website traffic and grow your website around them while keeping visitors safe.

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