Web Statistics

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All the Essential KPIs at a Glance.

Use these metrics for a bird's-eye view of website performance; see how they've evolved this month, or set a custom date range and see how they've changed within any time period. Then return later and review the cumulative impact of site development activities.

Key Visitor & Session DataCritical Metrics SnapshotAdjustable Time IntervalsComparative Benchmarking

Look at each KPI in graph form, or view other visualization options. Then click on each to go deeper and identify actionable ways to improve it. And also remember that our data processing is up-to-the-second, with none of the batching done by alternative platforms.

Making the Website Statistics Work for You.

<div><p>Multi-Level Filtering</p></div>

Multi-Level Filtering

<p>Saveable Filter Templates</p>

Saveable Filter Templates

<p>One-Click Visitor Segments</p>

One-Click Visitor Segments

Visitor Segments

Powerful Audience Filtering.

Visitor Segments is an advanced new filtering system that enables you to effortlessly deep dive into website data. Create one in seconds, activate it in the Pages Dashboard with a single click, and then immediately understand your website in all-new ways.

Use this powerful tool to filter report block data around granular visitor traits. Divide and compare your audience by location details, device preferences, pages visited, and companies of association. Block out the noise and generate only the insights you need.

Traffic Structure

Analyze Channel Performance.

Direct, email, paid ads, organic search, social media, referrals; know exactly where website visitors come from, with data broken down by traffic source. Also see top-level analytics for each channel side-by-side. Then immediately see your strengths and weaknesses.

Visitor Distribution by ChannelHistoric Trends by ChannelVisited Pages Per SessionBy Session DurationBy Bounce Rate

Compare and analyze the performance of your different traffic sources. View color-coded graphs and charts, with a mouse hover also revealing additional useful information. Then focus resources on the channels that work, or make improvements to those that don't.


Turn Visitors into Insights.

Learn about your website visitors; know their technical preferences, browsing habits, and also approximate locations. Then use these insights to build the site around your audience and drive success.

Detailed Visitor StatisticsCountry and City RankingsGeolocational MapWeekly Traffic ChartsVisitor Company Distribution

Go further, and also analyze them collectively. Identify peak times for browsing and page loads. Also see popular countries and cities of origin. Find common businesses of association. Then use this data to shape language priorities, publishing times, and wider strategies.


Identify the Top Webpages.

Understand how pages measure up; see which ones are popular site entry points, and also which ones are driving conversions. And for deeper insights into on-page behavior, then activate a conversion funnel, page heatmap, or other visitor behavior analytics feature.

Page VisitsLanding PagesConversion PagesReferring Sites

Use Pages to also quickly see which referring sites are bringing in the most traffic, and the number of sessions from each. Click on the link icon to visit this source, or click on the referring site name to then see the exact pages that website traffic arrived on.

Competition Analysis

See Industry Standards.

Website success doesn't live in a bubble, and insights can equally need perspective. So use Competition Analysis to see how your website is performing in comparison with other industry players in different locations. Then leverage these insights to dictate goals.

Compare Data By IndustryBenchmark Traffic MetricsBrowser StandardsOperating System UsageScreen Resolution StandardsDevice Usage

Competition Analysis is crucial for strategic decision-making. So use it to benchmark performance, learn market trends, identify product or content gaps. Also manage risk. Identify target audience insights, find inspiration, and then use this data to stay competitive.


Optimize to Hardware Choices.

Learn about the different device types that are popular with your visitors; see how many are using smartphones, desktops, and tablets, with intuitive charts that bring this data to life. Then use these device insights to improve functionality for your audience.

Device UsageOperating System PreferencesBrowser ChoicesScreen Resolution Usage

Understand software preferences; additionally, use granular hardware and software filters across the full TWIPLA platform to unearth fascinating new data synergies. Then use these insights for technical website performance analysis, tailoring content, identifying bugs, and also for wider strategic decision-making.

UTM Campaigns

Track Marketing Initiatives.

Analyze a single initiative or integrate campaign elements together using a TWIPLA UTM code. Use this to then holistically analyze performance across as many channels as you need, as well as the individuals that arrive on your website from any campaign.

UTM URL BuilderUTM Campaigns OverviewLatest Campaign VisitorsIndividual Campaign AnalyticsUTM Campaign Charts

So leverage the insights from UTM Campaigns to improve content effectiveness and make better decisions. UTM tracking is also useful for visitor segmentation work and A/B testing. This granularity is vital for maximizing ROI and also sustaining effective outreach.

Company Reveal

Detect Prospect Interest.

Know which companies are taking an interest in you, and also what they're engaging with. Then use these insights to enhance lead generation, research competitors, grasp buyer intent. It's a vital tool for B2B businesses, and especially when targeting enterprise clients.

Visitor Business NamesLeverage Intent for ABMEnrich Your ICPsAdd More Visits to Your PipelineCompany Reveal Breakdown

Company Reveal will identify any business that has registered their IP address with their business network provider. Use this intelligence to gain valuable insights that support ABM campaigns, enhance ICP development, and also integrate more visits into the sales pipeline.

Resource Hub

What Is Website Analytics? Your Comprehensive Guide to a Martech Cornerstone

Website analytics is prized by marketers for its power to drive conversions. Discover what web analytics is and how to use it. Get the lowdown!