Visitors By Country


Website visitors (or visitors for short) are people who view one or more pages of a website. Those visitors can be separated and displayed by web analytics tools depending on many factors, one of them being location. Knowing the website visitor’s country is relevant for business strategy.

About Website Visitors

A website visitor is a person who enters/views a website, no matter the number of pages.

Web analytics tools such, monitor the number of visitors and their type.
In the Visitors menu, users are able to access the following information:

  • A list of the latest visitors with their type (new, returning and conversion visitor) and other relevant information about them
  • Number of visitors by hour and day
  • The visitor map and location

In the Overview the following information about visitors is displayed:

  • Visitors
  • Uniques Visitors
  • Map of live visitors
  • The 6 latest visitors
  • Map of visitors by country

All this information can be viewed in more detail in the Dashboard.

How are Website Visitors by Country counted?

The process of counting website visitors is the following:
When a person visits a website, their computer, smartphone or other type of device exchanges information with the website's server. Each web page is made up of multiple files and the server transmits each one of these files to the user’s browser. From this type of data, traffic can be monitored on the website's homepage and all the other webpages and also on segments of the site. This way, analytics tools determine exactly how many visitors each segment receives.

Why is it important to know where visitors come from?

Website visitors are important as, in most cases, they validate the success of a website. The more visitors a website has, the higher the brand awareness and the higher the chances of conversion. Knowing the target audience is one of the first steps towards a successful business. The location of the visitors is crucial to providing relevant content and services.