Students at Bettendorf High School are using TWIPLA for their website projects

Providing resources for entreprenuers and startup teams that want to educate themselves on everything related to developing, managing and promoting their websites and businesses, is one of the cornerstones of our mission at TWIPLA. Educated website owners, with the right tools, have all the assets to succeed in any market, no matter how competitive. It is a fortunate situation when this type of education starts early and younger entrepreneurs have the opportunity to be trained into real-world situations.

In this context, we reached out to Bettendorf High School in Iowa, to give us an insight into how students (grades 9-12) are preparing for the requirements of real business life. Mark Pisel, from the Business Education department at the Bettendorf High School, was kind enough to send us his thoughts. 

Using TWIPLA to make adjustments to marketing plans

Marketing students at Bettendorf High School (grades 9-12) in Bettendorf, IA, USA participate in a website project to turn marketing concepts into a real-world experience. The objective for each student is to develop a website and use various marketing principles to drive traffic to the website. The students create content that they think will attract a 14-18 year old demographic and use TWIPLA to make adjustments to their marketing plans. This project creates an engaging atmosphere as students continuously try different marketing strategies to gain viewers to their sites. Students even team up and operate like independent businesses as the project progresses. The end result is an exciting learning experience that students talk about long after they leave the classroom and it couldn't be done without the easy user experience and the access to the data that TWIPLA provides.  

Thank you again for allowing us to use your program. It really does create a unique learning opportunity for our students and we will definitely continue using the program in the future!

Mark Pisel

Business Education

Bettendorf High School