PDP - Protección de datos personales (Argentina)

Official Name

PDP or Ley 25.326 de Protección de los Datos Personales

Details About the PDP

The bill has been in effect since October 30, 2000. 

The principles established by this law are the following:

  • All personal data files must be registered in the Registry of the National Directorate for Personal Data Protection.
  • The personal data that is collected for the purposes of its treatment must be true, adequate, pertinent and not excessive in relation to the scope and purpose for which they were obtained.
  • Data collection cannot be done by unfair, fraudulent means or in a manner contrary to the provisions of Law No. 25,326.
  • The data object of treatment cannot be used for purposes other than or incompatible with those that motivated its obtaining.
  • The data must be accurate and updated if necessary.
  • The data that is totally or partially inaccurate, or that is incomplete, must be deleted and replaced, or if its case, completed by the person in charge of the file or database when he has knowledge of the inaccuracy or incompleteness of the information in question, without prejudice to the rights of the owner established in article 16 of Law No. 25,326.
  • The data must be stored in a way that allows the exercise of the right of access of the owner.
  • The data must be destroyed when they are no longer necessary or relevant to the purposes for which they were collected.

Resources About the PDP:

  • Official legislation here
  • A legal perspective here