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  • History of TWIPLA: Look Back Through Our Development Timeline

History of TWIPLA

Great Times Are Behind Us

Even Better Things Lie Ahead

Our Journey So Far:

The History of TWIPLA started in 2015. Back then, we were a Wix-only website integration that offered website statistical analysis, in a similar way to what alternatives like Google Analytics do today.

But since, we've grown into an all-in-one analytics solution with key statistics, visitor behavior analytics tools, and visitor communication features. TWIPLA is now the complete package for online businesses looking to scale effectively and drive results. What's more, we've developed our platform to meet all global privacy requirements - giving users highly accurate insights, while also keeping their visitors safe!

TWIPLA is now a daily software essential for over 2.5 million global businesses. However, the history of TWIPLA has barely begun. We're constantly working to deliver cutting edge tools that redefine website intelligence software in the privacy-first era. So watch this space.

See How We've Grown for Yourself

Scroll Down Through the TWIPLA Timeline:

Sep 2023

Visitor Analytics Becomes TWIPLA

Visitor Analytics was a perfectly descriptive name for our platform when we started out. Back in 2015, we were only available as a Wix integration. But fast forward to 2023, and our platform is now compatible wiith all website types. It's also more than a website analytics integration, having grown into an all-in-one website intelligence solution with a complete toolkit of visitor behavior analytics tools and visitor communication features. The infrastructure is now also completely different, having been developed to ensure that it complies with all global data privacy laws. As such, we needed a name that better reflected how advanced our platform had become. So we went for TWIPLA, a loose acroymn for The Website Intelligence Platform! And while it's only a rebranding, it's still one of the biggest events in our timeline - reflecting just how far we've come!

Sep 2023

Advanced New Filtering System Arrives

This feature overhauls how our platform approaches the fundamental task of data filtering, and is unprecendented in the history of TWIPLA. It leverages the power of our advanced analytics cluster and, in addition, improves functionality across the platform. It also enables users to quickly filter website traffic data in a multitude of innovative new ways. These include UTM parameters, page URL, and website traffic source. Once users activate a series of filters, they can then convert their input into a standardized filtering template. Users can save, edit, and use these templates across the platform, streamlining data analysis significantly. This impressive new filtering system has been rolled out across the platform. It enables users to make better use of the data at their disposal, and uncover even deeper insights on visitor trends, preferences, and behavior.

Sep 2023

New Tool: Visitor Segments

With the launch of Visitor Segments, Visitor Analytics has supercharged the way it filters data. Our users can now create visitor segments based on a wide range of specific attributes, including page URL, country, city of visit, IP address, browser type, device type, and operating system. These categories can be broken down granularly, enabling users to build an almost endless range of possible visitor segments. And once created, these segments can then be applied throughout the platform with the click of a button.

Sep 2023

New Tool: Page Dashboard

While analyzing website performance from the perspective of individual pages seems obvious, our developers had to create some advanced new analytics clusters before this was possiible. The launch of the page dashboard is the first of many new features to come out of this innovation. It offers comprehensive insights about the performance of each individual webpage, allowing users to monitor and then enhance the performance of individual pages. The page dashboard provides statistics, including total visits, visitor numbers, average page session durations, and top referrers. Additionally, analysts can group specific pages together by up to five page path levels.

Jun 2023

Custom Country Data Arrives

Since website analytics platforms typically standardize visitor data collection, valuable and legitmate data is being lost. We responded to this by launching Custom Country Data (CCD), as party of a redeveloped Dynamic Privacy Center. This feature enables users to customize the data processed and displayed for each visitor in their analytics dashboard on a country-by-country basis, maximizing data collection in the context of each country’s legislation and removing the complexity of privacy compliance for businesses operating in multiple regions. And by supercharging website data capture potential, this is yet another landmark in the history of TWIPLA!

May 2023

Company Reveal Arrives

This is another fantastic new visitor intelligence feature. It's useful for B2B relationship building, and particularly so for businesses that target enterprise clients. Company Reveal leverages the IP addresses of website visitors to identify the network or companies that they associate with, providing that they've registed the IP address to their business name. This makes it a really useful way to understand which businesses are taking an interest in their organization, and means that they can make contact armed with knowledge about exactly what they did across their site, as well as any other technical preferences that might prove useful.

Mar 2023

New Analytics Cluster Launched

This completely new infrasture enables Visitor Analytics to process and integrate millions of different datapoints within milliseconds. In many ways, it's one of the crowning achievements of the development team in the history of TWIPLA, revolutionizing what happens under the hood. And crucially for our users, it speeds up the functionality of our entire website intelligence solution, and provides many more data synergies and statistics. Looking forward, it will also underpin many of the new features that we plan to launch in the future so watch this space.

Jan 2023

White Label Analytics-as-a-Service (3AS) Arrives

Our popularity with website owners was drawing attention, and many Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) providers wanted to be able to integrate our website intelligence solution into their own service provision. The day has finally arrived, with companies now able to add our white-labelled analytics solution to their inventory. This comes at no cost to these partners and, with Visitor Analytics handling all maintenance and support, it's a great opportunity for SaaS businesses looking to increase their appeal and income.

Sep 2021

New Tool: Event Tracking

This is the fourth visitor behavior analytics feature that we've developed for our users. Event tracking enables website owners to go even deeper into visitor behavior than in the past. For instance, they can track when users click on a video play button, when they tick a check box, and when they click on drop down menus. Event tracking is also particularly useful for tracking in-page clicks when the URL hasn't changed, and can be used for analyzing engagement with forms, accordion boxes, and so forth. Ultimately, it enables users to customize the events that Visitor Analytics reports on to the exact specificities of their business and objectives. Rest assured that this isn't the last visitor behavior analytics tool we'll release in the history of TWIPLA - we've only just begun!

Jul 2021

New Privacy Center Launched

We've developed Visitor Analytics around our guiding principle of privacy-first software provision. But we noticed that the privacy center was becoming a little complicated. With this updated, we've simplified the process of selecting the privacy level for data collection. Now, it's as simple as choosing from the four different privacy modes - Light, Medium, GDPR Privacy, and Maximum Privacy Mode. These different choices are all clearly laid out so that users know what each mode does, and all the privacy-related documents (DPA) have also been included. And ultimately, this makes data privacy compliance as clear and user friendly as possible!

Apr 2021

Maximum Privacy Mode Arrives

The launch of Maximum Privacy Mode represents another important milestone in the history of TWIPLA as we develop into a privacy-perfect website intelligence solution. When activated, it enables our users to analyze their website traffic without having to worry about obtaining the consent required under privacy laws. This means that website owners can do away with cookie consent banners. They can let their UX take center stage! And all while collecting more data - and with greater insight accuracy - than ever before.

Jul 2020

Cookieless Tracking Launched

While privacy has always been a focus area for platform development, it's become a real priority for us in the last few years. Cookies have long formed the foundation of how analytics software tracks and analyzes traffic data, but people have become increassingly concerned in recent years about how these little log files impact their privacy and security. Today, web technologies are moving away from cookies; they're also blocked by internet users in ever-increasing numbers, and are strictly regulated by GDPR and other data privacy laws - restricting the utility of analytics that relies on them. As such, we've been working hard to develop cookieless tracking technology, and the launch day is finally here. It's a huge upgrade to Visitor Analytics' functionality, and massively increases the accuracy and security of data insights!

May 2020

Two Million Installs Reached

Visitor Analytics has hit another landmark, passing two million global website installs. This is an important milestone in our journey, just three years after we passed the one million install mark. It also represents the culmination of a lot of hard work from our talented team of developers, who have enabled us to roll out all the visitor behavior analytics tools that complement our platform's website statistics powerhouse. It also wouldn't have been possible without all the plugins they created. Today, Visitor Analytics is available as a direct integration for 7 major website builders, and as a standalone app that can be added to any HTML website. So well done Mihai and co!

2023 Update

This was yet another memorable event in the history of TWIPLA but we're not done yet! We're now up to 2.5 million installs, and can't wait to hit three million. But given that our download numbers continue to increase every day, we'll be there in no time!

May 2020

New Tool: Conversion Funnels

This is the third visitor behavior analytics feature that is now available for our users. Many websites exist to facilitate purchases or subscriptions, and conversion funnels are a highly effective way to marry website optimization to these crucial end goals. The tool enables our users to build these funnels by connecting different webpages together for analysis. Once created, they can then easily identify painpoints and bottlenecks to conversion, and can then use these insights to increase conversion rates. Conversion funnel analytics is a highly effective way to improve website performance, and we're sure that our users will have a lot of fun with them!

Apr 2020

New Tool: Page Heatmaps

This is the second visitor behavior analytics feature that we've added to the Visitor Analytics arsenal. Page heatmaps are visual representations of how users are collectively engaging with a webpage. This graphic page overlay shows where website visitors have clicked and scrolled, as well as their mouse movements, and the data they display can also be filtered to user preferences. The areas with the most activity or interaction appear as "hot" zones in vibrant colors, while areas with less activity appear as "cool" zones in cooler colors. Page heatmaps are a highly intuitive tool for seeing what's working on webpages and what needs improving, and we're excited to see what our community of website users can do with them!

Mar 2020

Weebly Plugin Released

Weebly is a particularly useful website builder for people that want the process to be as simple - and coding-free - as possible. And with the launch of our Weebly plugin, we've made it as easy as possible for them to now get Visitor Analytics up and running. The plugin can be found in the Weebly App Center.

2023 Update

While we've changed our name from Visitor Analytics, the TWIPLA plugin for Weebly remains available in the Weebly App Center.  It's been a particularly popular app with Weebly's website builders, and currently holds the maximum five-star rating! And if you're looking to install TWIPLA on this platform, then please refer to our Weebly Integration Guide.

Jan 2020

New Tool: Session Recordings

This is a great moment in the history of TWIPLA, with users now able to leverage the first of many planned visitor behavior analytics features on top of the complete website statistics they already love! Session recordings are videos generated from real visitor actions, enabling our users to see exactly what visitors do during a browsing session. And by watching all their mouse movement, clicks, and scrolls, website owners can build an accurate picture of their website from the perspective of its visitors. This feature is a real breakthrough in website intelligence, and these replays are also particularly useful when used as part of conversion funnel optimization.

Sep 2019

New Tool: Dynamic Page Grouping

Visitor Analytics just got more dynamic. With this newly-launched feature, our users now have the possibility to group pages together by using dynamic parameters so as to get a global view of similar events across a website. For example, website owners can use this tool to report on the performance of all their different "thank you" pages in one place, rather than having to jump around the platform to find the data they need. The same goes for forms, blog posts, and product pages - giving them the power to pull broad insights from similar page types that they can then use to roll out effective site-wide improvements.

May 2019

New Tools: Multi-website Overview, Fresh Metrics

These new additions to our platform make Visitor Analytics both easier to use and far more powerful as a website analytics tool.

The multi-website option makes it much easier for our users to manage multiple websites. Instead of needing to log out and then log in to start working on a different property or web domain, this new feature allows them to simply choose from a drop-down list.

What's more, Visitor Analytics can now be used to analyze traffic from a range of fascinating new perspectives. These include user device type, browser usage, and operating system. And with technical preferences vital to overall website performance, these fresh metrics supercharge Visitor Analytics as a website intelligence tool

May 2019

Joomla! Plugin Released

We've launched the official Visitor Analytics plugin for Joomla!, making it easy for users of this website builder to directly integrate our platform into their website. You can find this new plugin in the Joomla! Extensions Directory.

May 2019

TYPO3 Plugin Released

At Visitor Analytics, we're big fans of TYPO3, and use this open-source CMS system for our own website. So we're pretty happy that we've finally created our own plugin for the platform, which can be found in the TYPO3 Extension Repository.

2023 Update

The TWIPLA plugin is now up to version 1.0.9, and we're going from strength to strength on the platform. In fact, our CEO/CIO Alexander Veit is a real TYPO3 enthusiast himself, and is a regular speaker at the annual T3CON Conference!

Apr 2019

OctoberCMS Plugin Released

A Visitor Analytics plugin is now available for OctoberCMS, and can be found in the platform's Plugin Directory.

Apr 2019

Drupal Plugin Released

We've now officially released our Visitor Analytics plugin for Drupal's community of advanced technical users, and users can download it directly from the Drupal Modules Market.

Apr 2019

WordPress Plugin Released

WordPress needs little introduction, being the most popular CMS in the world. And while WordPress users have been able to use our standalone app, we wanted to give them the option of a direct integration. So with the launch of our plugin for WordPress, we've achieved this! Now, installing our platform is simple once you find Visitor Analytics in the WordPress Plugins Directory.

2023 Update

While we've changed our name from Visitor Analytics, users can download rebranded TWIPLA plugin for WordPress from the WordPress Directory. It's proven popular with this CMS community, and currently holds a 4.5/5 WordPress user rating! And if you're looking to install TWIPLA into this CMS, then please refer to our WordPress Integration Guide.

Jan 2019

Standalone App Arrives

We've long wanted to have a standalone app that anyone can use, regardless of website. And after a long period of testing and honing, it's officially here. This is an exciting day in the history of TWIPLA, opening our company up to limitless possibilities and new audiences within the website analytics world. The standalone app is accessible through our website, so login or signup if you want to see how it works!

Aug 2018

New Tools: UTM Campaign Stats, Multi-sites, Contributors

It's been a busy time at Visitor Analytics HQ. But it's been worth it, with three exciting new features rolled off the production line at the same time. Firstly, users can leverage UTM parameters to analyze the performance of advertising campaigns and referral traffic. Secondly, we've made it much easier for them to switch analysis between web domains. And finally, users now have a contributors option. This means that they can associate multiple people to the same account without having to give their precious login details away, and can also control the data these contributors have access to.

Mar 2018

Website Universalization Achieved

Visitor Analytics is now compatible with every website type, with the tracking code available to install for all website owners. This is a fantastic achievement for our small but talented team of developers. We're now well on the way to be integratable on all third-party platforms as well!

Jan 2018

Web App Arrives

We've made our first splash outside of the Wix goldfish bowl. It's been a silent launch so you might have missed it, but we wanted to spend our money on developing the Visitor Analytics platform rather than on advertising. This big event in our timeline represents the start of our journey towards expanding the Visitor Analytics experience across the digital world, so expect our platform to come to a website like yours in the not-so-distant future.

Jul 2017

Visitor Analytics Now Functions in 19 Languages

With our users coming from all four corners of the world, we wanted to make the platform easy to use for everyone in this global community. Translation was therefore key, and particularly since all our clients don't necessarily use English professionally. As such, we made it a priority to make the platform available in as many languages as possible. We've mastered 19, and more are on the way!

Mar 2017

One Million Installs Reached

We only launched 16 months ago. But our growth has been spectacular, and we're now being used by one million Wix users as a guide to growing their websites. What's more, these users are spread out across 155 countries around the world, making Visitor Analytics a truly global phenomenon.

2023 Update

Hitting one million downloads was a key milestone in the history of TWIPLA. And nearly six years on, we're the number one analytics app on Wix. However, we've spread our wings away from this website builder. TWIPLA is now available for all businesses regardless of website type, and is now live on over 2.5 million active websites!

Dec 2015

Visitor Analytics Arrives

We've launched on Wix, and our future will always be intertwined with this popular website builder that is known for its intuitive drag-and-drop functionality. Visitor Analytics v1.0 is only available on Wix for the moment, and installable from within the website builder itself. If you're looking to install Visitor Analytics on this platform, then please refer to our Wix Integration Guide.

2023 Update

The history of TWIPLA has been full of exciting innovations since that nervous launch day eight years ago. The latest version of TWIPLA is available in the Wix App Market, and Wix business users still get a free year-long subscription to a TWIPLA premium plan! However, our website intelligence solution is now available for all website types, and has more features than ever.