

A heatmap of a website is a color-coded data visualization tool. It helps website owners and companies understand how their visitors interact with different areas of their websites, i.e. where the “hotspots” or “coldspots” of the website are located. Data visualization is done in real-time. On the basis of this information, you can then further optimize your website and increase your conversion rate, knowing that, for example, important content or actions are not reached or seen by your visitors, as they are in a “cold area".

How heatmaps work

Heatmaps use colors to visualize the intensity of visitor interaction on different sections of the pages of your website.

A color scheme from warm to cold is used to display this interaction data:

  • Warmer colors indicate the highest visitor engagement

  • Cooler colors indicate the lowest visitor engagement

They help a website owner figure out 

  • Which parts of a page have the highest and lowest visitor engagement

  • Where on the web page people are clicking the most, 

  • Whether or not visitors are actually clicking on the CTA

  • Whether they reach the bottom of the fold (by scrolling all the way down the page)

  • And many other examples of visitor behavior insights

Types of Heatmaps

Click maps - for desktop devices, they show where on the page visitors click

Movement maps - for desktop devices, they show on which areas of the page visitors move their mouse

Tap maps - for smart phones and tablets, they show where on the page visitors tap (similar to click maps)

Scroll maps - for all devices, scroll maps show how far visitors scroll down a page