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  • 10 Best Cookieless Tracking Solutions in 2023

10 Best Cookieless Tracking Solutions in 2023

Simon Coulthard February 21, 2023

11-minute Read

Cookieless tracking solutions are a vital consideration for website owners given how web technologies are evolving.

Simply put, digital marketing isn't what it used to be. Over the past ten years, third-party cookies have been essential to online marketing. However, in the digital age, data privacy is becoming more and more crucial.

Given the rise of privacy concerns, it is time to leave third-party cookies (and other intrusive tracking techniques) in the lurch. Not to mention that privacy watchdogs are always keeping an eye on websites to check that they comply with GDPR and other privacy laws.

But don’t worry, there are solutions that fully abandons cookies. With cookieless tracking, you can gain a deeper understanding of your audience without violating their privacy. 

If you want to learn more about this technique that leave cookies high and dry, we have a comprehensive article that can introduce you to a world without cookies.

This article will explore the cookieless tracking solutions that will help you protect users' privacy and anonymity as well as avoid fines from authorities. Enhance your online journey by deleting cookies and choosing a cookieless solution!

Cookieless tracking solution - TWIPLA Website Intelligence

Unlock Your Website's Full Potential

Our advanced website intelligence solution will enable anyone to grow their website quickly, while protecting visitor data rights


TWIPLA is a website intelligence platform that provides you with a big amount of data you can make use of in order to revive your prospects or visitors.

It uses cookieless tracking that is represented by the first time a person accesses a website, a digital fingerprint is left behind that can be detected on a subsequent page visit. With this analysis tool, cookie banners are out of fashion!

By providing relevant data, such as traffic structure, the most crucial KPIs, page performance, visitor insights, geolocation, operating systems and devices, competition analysis, as well as campaign performance, the website statistics pillar helps your website prosper more quickly.

TWIPLA also reveals user behavior, or more specifically, how users engage with your website. The features of heatmaps, conversion funnels, custom event tracking, and session recording are essential functionalities for figuring out what works well and what doesn’t.

You can also engage with your community through surveys and polls to collect feedback and stay in touch with your users.

This tool ensures that privacy is built-in from scratch, regardless of the level of privacy you choose, so that your data is handled securely and in accordance with legal regulations.


TWIPLA includes extensive website statistics, 25 session recordings, 1 conversion funnel, 1 heatmap, URL campaign tracking, statistics reports, and unlimited data storage in its free plan.

It also has five pricing plans ranging from $10.39 per month to $123.20 per month. These pricing plans adopt a ‘pay as you grow’ approach, so you are only ever paying for what you need.

The Basic plan includes 4 conversion funnels, 4 heatmaps, 500 visitor recordings, 1,000 custom event tracking, 2 polls, and 2 surveys for less than 10,000 visits. If you own a small business, this plan could be ideal, and you can upgrade to a higher plan as your business expands.

There is also a custom option where you can contact the team for a personalized package.

Matomo is a free and open-source web analytics tool. It delivers thorough information on website traffic and has numerous features that are useful to marketing experts.

You can see information about each individual visitor, including their ID, operating system, browser, time spent, specifics of their activity, and more.

Matomo analyzes websites and blogs to reveal unique visitors, page views, media access, geography, and other data that one might anticipate from an analytics tool, but it also includes a variety of functions that go beyond website statistics.

These consist of behavioral functionalities like conversion funnels, session recordings, and heatmaps. Their helpful A/B testing tool allows you to compare user behavior on two different sites as well.

In addition to all of these advantages, Matomo also provides your data with an analytics function that allows you to monitor user movement through your forms. This feature is great for determining how well signups and other conversions perform.

In terms of privacy, Matomo provides you 100% ownership of your data. You can use Matomo to learn exactly where your data is stored and what happens to it without any outside interference.

This is good news. However, Matomo is not a completely cookieless tracking solution. It does use some cookies to store data between visits, but it is still possible to calibrate the platform to run without using these little log files.


There is a very minimal version of Matomo that is free, but you must pay extra if you want features like conversion funnels, heatmaps, advertising conversion statistics, session recordings, and many others.

For instance, you would need to spend at least $190 per year if you wanted funnels. Compared to Matomo, TWIPLA is more open about its price plans. You pay as your website gets bigger and all of the subscriptions include all of the services.

In reality, if you want to use all of Matomo's features, you'll have to pay a few thousand dollars per month.

Fathom is a website analytics tool that enables you to gain valuable insights into your website or web application. Its lightning-fast dashboard displays your website stats in a clear and concise manner. On one screen, you can see your site's top content, referrers, and other useful metrics.

You can learn about your website's most popular pages, the sources of visitors, successful promotions, and top-performing products in real-time.

The rest of the dashboard contains a range of useful data points. These include content (entries, viewers, and views), referrers (visitors and views), device types, browsers, countries, events (unique completions, completions, conversion rate, and value), UTMs (campaign, source, medium, content, and term coupled with visitors and views).

Besides web statistics, this cookieless tracking solution also provides UTM campaign and event tracking features so you can monitor marketing efforts that help you make business decisions.

What’s more, Fathom displays all of your data (not just the last seven days or six months). You can easily view your data for any time frame, so it doesn't matter if you're a new or long-time customer.

Fathom is a fully GDPR-compliant product. It doesn’t utilize cookies, anonymizes all obtained data, and is not sourced via terminal equipment. Additionally, there is no need for a consent banner.


Fathom offers a paid site analytics service so you can’t benefit from a free package. However, it offers a 30-day free trial, after which you'll need to pay an ongoing fee based on the number of pages users visit on average each month.

With this tool, you get to choose between two payment options: monthly payments, or yearly payments with two months free. 

The cost is determined by the total monthly page views that all websites receive. For instance, if you have 100,000 monthly page views, you’ll need to pay $14/mo or $140/year.

To help you better serve your consumers, Simple Analytics provides you with essential analysis like the most popular sites, referrers, page views, screen sizes, and more.

It provides a single dashboard so you can quickly see how many people are visiting your website, where they are coming from, and what they are doing when they get there.

Besides the website statistics functionalities, this tool also enables users to track events and conversion funnels.

Analytics reports can be delivered directly to your email inbox. You can choose to receive your copy on a weekly or monthly basis. Additionally, you can directly transmit reports to the clients.

A nice touch is that if Twitter frequently refers visitors to your website, Simple Analytics displays the exact tweets that are driving that traffic.

For businesses that value anonymity, this web analytics tool is also focused on cookieless tracking. Without using cookies or other forms of personally identifying information, it is a GDPR-compliant solution that offers insights into how well websites work.


Simple Analytics doesn’t offer a free version, but you can take advantage of a 14-day free trial. This way, you can give it a shot and see if it suits your business needs.

Then, if you find it useful, you can upgrade to its premium plans. The pricing ranges from $9/month to $99/month. Like Fathom, you’ll pay depending on the number of page visits.

You will be charged for overages if the number of page views allowed by your plan is exceeded. Your price is automatically determined by Simple Analytics using the average number of page views for the past month (first looking back one month, then the average of the previous three months).

Plausible is an open-source analytics tool with a minimal design that doesn't burden your website any further.

Even without any prior knowledge or training, using and understanding this tool is simple. You have the freedom to choose the time period you want to use for data analysis. It also provides an automatic graph showing the number of visits displayed on a monthly, daily, or hourly basis.

The statistics include all the fundamentals, precise visitor counts, trends, fundamental identifiers, and locations, and they make everything really simple to access.

Without having a detrimental effect on the speed of your website, Plausible promises to give you all the crucial website traffic insights.

Moreover, you can learn more about the locations of your visitors and the web pages they visited to better target and optimize your products. Additionally, it anonymously reveals the operating system and browser they are using.

It doesn’t use cookies and is GDPR, PECR, and CCPA compliant. You can concentrate on creating a pure web experience, and your visitors will be able to enjoy your site without any annoyances or distractions. This cookieless tracking solution is also great if you care about your users' trust and data.


You can try Plausible out for free for 30 days to see how it functions. After that, you’ll have to pay depending on the number of page visits received.

For 10k, Plausible requires $9/mo or $90/year. Choosing to pay by the year will save you money for 2 months. The highest price plan is $169/mo and it’s better suited for websites that gain up to 10 million page visits.
If your website exceeds 10 million page visits, then you’ll have to contact their team for an offer.

There is also a live demo if you don’t have the time to investigate its features for yourself.

You'll get access to a dashboard with Insights (or GetInsights) where you can examine different analytics like page visits, custom events (like scrolling and clicking), and so forth. 

Try including Insights.js as a dependency and using it for event tracking to fully utilize this feature. This web analytics tool contains a customizable script that makes it easier for you to navigate through multiple reports and pages.

Angular, React, and Vue are just a few of the many frameworks that Insights supports. Without keeping IP data, cookies, or personal information, it collects web statistics including user flow, page visits, bounce rates, page leaves, scrolling, and clicks.

By avoiding cookie banners with the use of Insights, which complies with regulatory authorities, you can respect user privacy. To gain more trust from your visitors, you can also ask Insights for a privacy badge.

The Insights team makes every effort to maintain their platform's transparency in order to adhere to the privacy purpose of their analytics. You can see information about the data they collect in the open-source code for InsightJS, which is accessible on GitHub.


You can choose between a free version of this tool (which has a limit of 3,000 events and 2,000 page views), and one of their paid versions.

The pricing options are:

  • $12/month for up to 100k events or page views per month
  • $29/month for up to 1 million events or page views per month
  • $79/month for up to 10 million events or page views per month

RedTrack is a well-known SaaS affiliate marketing analytics and content management platform created specifically for affiliates and business owners to scale their operations.

Because of its sophisticated drilled-down results and AI-based smart link optimizations, the tool provides the highest ROI. In other words, the tool really raised the bar for affiliates.

An affiliate can easily access data from all around the world by using this platform's global reach. RedTrack offers a wide range of advantages that will help media buying teams succeed in the market.

Users can generate several traffic streams for their advertisement with only one click. You can choose from a variety of predefined and custom parameters and then run an A/B split test.

Because of the features it provides, RedTrack is a trustworthy and powerful affiliate marketing tracker tool. The tool is a full-featured ad-tracking software since it allows users to manage, track, and optimize the entire advertising campaign under one roof.

Users can track both organic and paid traffic with RedTrack to achieve the optimum traffic flow. These characteristics assist affiliates in selecting the optimal course of action based only on comprehensive data.

RedTrack is a cookieless tracking solution that is compatible with privacy laws. So you don't need to be concerned about breaking GDPR or any other privacy laws.


Aside from a plethora of features, RedTrack also provides multiple plans for businesses to choose from. You can try any plan for free for 14 days.

The pricing ranges from $124/m to $624/mo. You can choose the right premium version of RedTrack based on the number of tracking events/month and the features you need for your business.

Moreover, you can contact the RedTrack customer service team for customizations, and they will ensure that you receive the appropriate package.

The Sona Revenue Growth Platform is made to enable marketers with almost total attribution of their initiatives and revenue by providing the most complete view of the buyer's journey—across all channels, both online and offline.

It creates user and business profiles from the data it gets. This makes the consumer more relatable and offers a natural manner to comprehend the buying process.

Marketers can view the buyer's journey and the rate at which leads are moving through the funnel with the Journey and Conversion dashboard. They can also pinpoint the optimal conversion pathways as well as the channels with the best performance.

This platform can precisely assign income to each channel, user, and business. More than that, marketers will be able to quickly and easily demonstrate the return on investment of any endeavor by analyzing the performance of each campaign down to the level of each individual ad.

Sona is a cookieless tracking solution that does not collect and store any personally identifiable information (PII) or use third-party cookies. It uses afirst-party script that is GDPR and CCPA compliant, unlike many other attribution platforms, to accurately record user activity on a website. A cookieless script has a lower chance of being blocked and doesn’t require the intrusive cookie permission pop-ups that may turn off users.


Unfortunately, Sona doesn’t showcase the pricing for its service. It comes with three pricing plans, but you’ll have to contact their team to find out how much you need to pay for the service you need.

Sona charges a package-based platform fee for each license it offers. Packages and add-ons can have associated usage limits, as well as incremental usage fees if those limits are exceeded.

There is no free version or trial if you want to test it out.

Digtective helps you eliminate wasted ad spending so you can reallocate resources to winning campaigns.

It assists you in resolving the third-party cookie issue affecting your web analytics and ad conversion tracking. With this tool, you can cut the unsuccessful ads and scale the successful ones to improve your advertising. 

Moreover, you can instantly determine which channels, campaigns, and advertisements produce a profitable return on investment (ROI). Digtective manages all of your channels, giving you time to focus on campaign and ad cost optimization.

It collects all of your marketing data on one platform to make it easier to develop reports quickly. You can regularly check to see if your advertisements are profitable or, more significantly, losing money.

This solution is the only tracking tool that monitors all of your ad conversions, even offline ones. It also allows you to view all of your digital marketing on one dashboard. 

As a cookieless tracking solution, your site analytics data will also be totally GDPR compliant. Digtective doesn’t make use of cookies or fingerprinting, maintains no client data, and all conversion tracking is completely anonymous and GDPR/e-Privacy compliant.


Like Sona, Digtective analytics tools don’t make the pricing visible. If you choose this tool, you’ll have to contact their team.

However, there are two premium plans:

  • Professional for up to $100.000 in sales per month - this is the best option if you run a small or medium-sized business and require the best conversion monitoring solution that is GDPR compliant in order to achieve profitable growth
  • Enterprise for large organizations - this is the best option if your company processes more than 1000 sales per month and needs the greatest conversion tracking available to maintain profitable growth

Metricsflow enables you to monitor visitors from the moment they first contact your business to conversions and beyond. It offers the entire customer and prospect journey across platforms and devices. 

This way, you can develop a close, trusting relationship with your clients while protecting their privacy. Customer information is never disclosed to any parties.

Metricsflow offers in-depth insights into your marketing channels so you can assess the return on investment of your plan and figure out how to boost performance in order to draw in and convert more people.

This solution includes non-stick artificial intelligence (AI) technology that studies consumer behavior without tracking anything on the user's device. Metricsflow achieves consumer learning by developing a distinctive character that is recognizable across platforms and devices.

The same insights and analyses that cookies offer are provided via AI, but there is no chance of your data being lost or duplicated. It's also a cookieless tracking solution; Metricsflow's patented AI technology gathers over 40 data points on a visitor in order to establish a unique identity that spans platforms and devices.


Metricsflow has no pricing plans or options showcased. If you’re interested in this product, you’ll need to book a demo with a member of their team. 

You will be given a brief tour of the platform and demonstrate how Metricsflow can deliver all of your visitor data and insights in a manner that respects your privacy.

Cookieless tracking solution - TWIPLA Website Intelligence

Unlock Your Website's Full Potential

Our advanced website intelligence solution will enable anyone to grow their website quickly, while protecting visitor data rights


Cookieless Tracking Solutions for a Safer Future

Marketers are no longer dependent on cookies as users start deleting cookies and big platforms start focusing on digital privacy. Because of this, cookieless tracking is gaining significant attention from marketers. 

If you’re worried about how to track users without cookies or losing data, you can check our blog article that explains the exact measures you need to take.

The right Cookieless tracking solution can assist you in gaining trustworthiness from users through moral means and really respecting their privacy as privacy issues spread throughout the world.

Choose analytics software that prioritizes privacy and observe the difference! 

Feel free to share this article with your social community in order to help them make better decisions and consider picking a cookieless tracking solution.

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